How do you make terrain tiles?

How do you make terrain tiles?

Making handmade terrain tiles for Dungeons & Dragons can be a fun and creative way to bring your game to life. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Gather materials: You will need foam board, scissors, a cutting mat, a ruler, a sharp knife, glue, and any additional materials you wish to use to decorate the tiles (such as paint, sand, and small trees or rocks).
  2. Cut the foam board into tiles: Cut the foam board into squares that are 1 inch or 2 inches thick. The size of the squares will depend on the size of the terrain you want to create.
  3. Mark out the terrain features: Use a ruler to mark out the different terrain features on the foam board, such as hills, valleys, rivers, or forests.
  4. Cut out the terrain features: Use the sharp knife to carefully cut out the terrain features you marked on the foam board. Take your time and be careful not to cut yourself.
  5. Add details: Once the terrain features have been cut out, use glue to attach any additional materials you want to use to decorate the tiles, such as sand, small trees, or rocks. You can also use paint to add color to the tiles.
  6. Seal the tiles: To protect the tiles and prevent them from getting damaged, you can apply a clear sealant to the tiles. This will also help to keep any sand or other materials in place.
  7. Label the tiles: Label each tile with a letter or number to help keep track of where they belong in your game.
  8. Play: Once your tiles are complete, it’s time to play! Arrange the tiles to create the terrain for your game and let the adventure begin!

Remember, the key to making great terrain tiles is to be creative and have fun. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things!